Old Masters
A moment of affection between golden monkeys, while channeling Vermeer and the Old Masters.
The poignancy of this moment hit home when I learned that golden monkeys fear death from above. Their primary predators are eagles, which lift them out of treetops. As a result, goldens keep a keen eye above, in the same way that we look out for cars while crossing the street. Being watchful and alert for a loved one is just part of what they (we) do.
#goldenmonkeys #eyelight #mgahingagorillanationalpark #mgahinga #uganda #bambooforest #primates #oldmasters #vermeer #watchfuleyes #virunga #Cercopithecuskandti #deathfromabove @volcanoessafaris @redfootsafaris
© Stephen Lefkovits 2021
Published in: Land Mammals, African Wildlife